DISCORD PURGE Discord is the place where people in my community make friends and

By jinnytty Published 2022-06-02 12:09:08

Discord is the place where people in my community make friends and have fun and also where I can come and talk with you guys when I'm not streaming.

I used to love coming to Discord and communicating with my community but recently I've been feeling not welcoming whenever I come to my own discord and either get stressed or get mad and it often ends up making me feel horrible and regret for coming to discord.

You know I cherish my community and people who watch my stream and that is the reason why when I get mad publicly I feel so bad afterwards because it's always the people who didnt do anything wrong end up feeling bad and apologizing when it's supposed to be the other way around.

This makes me feel bad because I know a lot of people say positive things most of the time, they like my community and stream, and I want to show how much I appreciate my community but because of those few jackasses I always ruined it.

I dont want few vocal negative people to ruin the mood for the whole discord anymore because I want to come to discord and have fun not get upset.