Hello guys ! Great achievement yesterday as well ! Reached 100km + (62miles+)

By jinnytty Published 2023-04-27 01:30:08

Hello guys ! Great achievement yesterday as well ! Reached 100km + (62miles+) by walking past 4 days which is amazing ! 👏
It has been really fun and amazing adventure but considering how demanding and challenging this waddlethon Every day is, I decided i would need a day to rest time to time during the waddlethon so I don't get burnt out.
My original plan was to take a day off every 6 days or something but I think every 100km I walk I take a rest day would be better ! Cause 100km with 15kg + is a lot of work especially yesterday with hiking after checking in to hotel i passed out till 4am even without washing today is a pause day and i will do evening streaming exploring jiufen after resting a bunch !

Today's schedule
> 4/27 Around ~5 PM
~ your time

And I know I made a previous schedule 7~8am everyday but schedule can constantly change depending on my body condition from previous day
So let's just say during the Waddlethon from now on
Schedule time every day during Waddlethon would be around 8am my time unless I make a
further announcement like today

Default schedule everyday :

Alright I'll see you guys on the stream !