Hello guys ! Was very fun yesterday thanks for having fun with me on April fool

By jinnytty Published 2023-04-02 09:00:08

Hello guys ! Was very fun yesterday  thanks for having fun with me on April fool

Hello guys ! Was very fun yesterday thanks for having fun with me on April fools day
Because I streamed till too late I said I would do evening stream in rabbit island but it looks like it would be a lot better to stream in those islands in the very early morning so I decided to do very early morning stream tmr instead of doing evening stream and End up being tired for next morning stream Japan internet has had some problems (the most important egg hasn't been working well) so today while day off I'm gonna test and try to fix the egg for smoother streams in Japan and also im going plan rest of the Japan and Thailand plan and let you guys know!
Below is the new schedule for next 2 days !
I'll see you guys on the next stream!

**rabbit island**
> 4/3 Around 8~9am
~ your time

**deer island**
> 4/4 Around 8~9am
~ your time