Hello! I said I would update schedule yesterday on stream but i was planning the

By jinnytty Published 2022-11-15 08:30:08

Hello! I said I would update schedule yesterday on stream but i was planning the whole week so i am updating schedule a bit late! I finished planning this whole week including 24 hours !

I was gonna stream in the evening once I arrive taichung today but my condition is pretty bad rn because of constant stomach pain from 🎩 🪄 🔮 ✨️ so I think I should take a day off today and rest Sorry if you were waiting for stream today

I'm doing 24 h stream this weekend in Southern Taiwan!

Tmr we are going racing and amusement park !

This is the schedule for the whole week ! Gonna be an exciting week I'll rest up and we are going to have fun this entire week going through taichung all the way down to kaoshiung!

See you guys on next stream and have a nice rest of your day !

> 11/16 (Wed) Around 10:30am [Morning Stream]
**Taichung Liphao Discovery Center Amusement park & racing park**
~ your time

> 11/17 (Thurs) Around 5pm [Afternoon Stream]
~ your time

11/18 (Friday) Around 9am [Morning Stream]
**Super pretty Qingjing Farm **
~ your time

11/19 (Saturday) Around 9am [Morning Stream]
~ your time

11/20 (Sunday) Around 5pm
**24H Stream**
~ your time

11/21 (Monday)
Continuing 24h stream until 5pm