Hellooooooo happy November! Can't believe it's already November 😳 2 months left

By jinnytty Published 2023-11-02 17:50:09

Hellooooooo happy November! Can't believe it's already November 😳 2 months left till 2024 ! I'm excited to go to more new places next 2 months 🤗

I'm taking another day off today before I'm gonna get super busy again with a lot of stuffs + India trip

Tomorrow I'm going to blizzcon in Anaheim I'll also go to some other events as well after blizzcon !

Below is the schedule !

> 11/3 Around 5am
~ your time

> 11/4 Around 5am
~ your time

After that I'm flying to India 🇮🇳

**Short stream in the morning
Prepare to go to India **
11/5 Around ~5am
~ your time

Dubai timezone
**Short Dubai Airport stream **
11/6 Around 7pm~8pm
~ your time

**India new Delhi first stream **
11/7 Around ~5pm
~ your time

gonna be fun !
Hopefully don't get sick in India
Have a great day today and I'll see you guys tmr!