Hey guys arrived in Taiwan yesterday ! Sorry I couldn't post any schedule yes

By jinnytty Published 2023-04-21 00:50:08

Hey guys arrived in Taiwan yesterday ! Sorry I couldn't post any schedule yesterday 😅 i wasn't sure if I was well enough to stream. I've been super tired and not feeling well after I arrived probably because I didn't rest enough after last stream (because I arrived bangkok by 4am and flight was in the morning ) so I was hoping I would feel better after I slept so I did but I still feel shitty I think I've just caught mild cold after being soaked for 8 days straight but it's mainly my throat that's hurting really bad possibly cause of speaking loud too much and I think air pollution level was pretty high too
I've got meds and stuffs drinking hot teas and shit I'm gonna sleep more and then I'll let you guys know if I'll be ready to stream in the evening thanks for waiting !