Hey guys hope you've been good past 2 days ! Phillipines has been pretty chill

By jinnytty Published 2023-12-10 04:30:09

Hey guys hope you've been good past 2 days ! Phillipines has been pretty chill I've been getting some nice rest and testing internet here and there internet seems like not too bad except for like nature of course I'm gonna try to make some vlogs of the places I couldn't visit and post on youtube

Anyway today I'll do evening stream and ill update daily schedule here while I'm in Phillipines!!

Whale shark and Sardine run are gonna be early in the morning 🌄

After Phillipines we going Aus!
I plan to possibly do streaming until I reach 1mil followers stream in Aus since 1mil followers on Twitch was 2023 resoultion and we are so close

Anyway for today it's an evening stream
See you today

> 12/10 Around ~6 PM
~ your time

Sardine run??

Swimming with whale shark
