Hey guys.. I'm still not in krakow we've been on bus for 15h 🥲 was supposed to s

By jinnytty Published 2023-07-24 11:40:11

Hey guys

Hey guys.. I'm still not in krakow we've been on bus for 15h 🥲 was supposed to stream in an hour but idk what I was thinking when I was writing previous schedule lol
Thinking I can stream after 15 h of bus like a dumbass
I'm taking a day off today and rest
And gonna start poland stream from tomorrow !!
Excited 😆 below is the new schedule
Hope you guys have a good day and I will see you guys tomorrow

> 7/25 Around ~12pm
~ your time

> 7/26 Around ~12pm
~ your time

> 7/27 Around ~12pm
~ your time