Hey guys ! Sorry for the late schedule update ! Thanks for waiting ! I was pl

By jinnytty Published 2023-08-14 15:40:07

Hey guys ! Sorry for the late schedule update ! Thanks for waiting ! I was planning and moving down to Split I've finally arrived Split and checked in to the hotel

My original goal was to go down along the coastline with any given transportations and stream all the way but after travelling down the coastline for 5~6days, I realized transportation is really difficult and also takes a long time without much stops so I figured I'll just take you guys to Split and Dubrovnik right away

I said yesterday I would stream today but it's already kinda late and I want to plan till gamescon buy all the flight tickets beforehand so prices dont become too expensive! So I'm gonna take a day off to decide everything till gamescon and then show u guys Split and Dubrovnik next 3 days
Sorry if you guys been waiting I wasn't sure if I wanted to stream all the way from zadar to Split or just go to Split and had to move hotel and travel to Split after deciding to just stream from Split so it took some time

Below is the new schedule !

See you guys tomorrow

> 8/15 Around ~12pm
~ your time

> 8/16 Around ~1pm
~ your time

> 8/17 Around ~1pm
~ your time

**Charity GPS Art Project**
> 8/18
Test day

**Start of Charity GPS Art Project**
> 8/19 Around ~12pm
~ your time

> 8/20 Around ~12pm
~ your time

> 8/21 Around ~12pm
~ your time

> 8/22
Day off

> 8/23 Around ~12pm
~ your time

> 8/24 Around ~12pm
~ your time