hey guys thanks for waiting for the schedule

By jinnytty Published 2023-02-09 14:00:08

hey guys thanks for waiting for the schedule
somehow took 2 days off because first day i was resting + having flights at night and second day i was flying and tired af afterwards so passed tf out lol
Also would be really difficult to stream with 1 phone that's almost broken and cant read simcard in the US. But i will try today lol until i get my new phones

i get my S23 ultra on 17th !
and S21 ultra hopefully tomorrow

After receiving S23 Ultra, I plan to go Montreal and Quebec on 18th. Would love to stream pretty nature and beautiful stuffs in Canada with the new phone ! I am looking for canadian helpers who can help me with Simcards. If you are from Montreal and can help me, please contact Kofu !

Below is the form for interviewing strangers content

I'll ask to strangers on behalf of you guys !
see you soon !

below is the new schedule
> 2/9/2023 NY Around 11~12pm
~ your time

> 2/10/2023 NY Around 11~12pm
~ your time

**Washington DC**
> 2/11/2023 Around 12~1pm
~ your time

> 2/12/2023 Around 11~12pm
~ your time

> 2/13/2023 Around 11~12pm
~ your time