Hey guyssss !! New upcoming schedule ! Well I've had hard time planning because

By jinnytty Published 2022-06-02 12:10:46

Hey guyssss !! New upcoming schedule ! Well I've had hard time planning because we've legit done everything in Vegas and internet is dogshit to do anything so I decided to take one more day off and make some youtube exclusive on vegas pool party tonight

Well originally I planned to leave after pool party but since botez collab is later on 22nd and they already booked for stuffs so I am just going to go to LA and stream there with some new friends I made till 22nd and come back to Vegas to hang out with botez

And after that I'm going to Houston and Austin to attend some nice events and faire with other streamers might do short season 3 with esfand
And then I'm going to one more state either Seattle Washington or New Orleans since coming back to US is pain in the ass cause of custom and then we are going to singapore and gonna do subathon from roulette there ! After that might go to Malaysia or Australia
Anyway sorry for keeping you guys waiting !

Hope you guys are also excited for upcoming plans !

> Around ~1 PM Local time

> Around ~10 AM Local time

**Learning circus Stream **
Starting on Botez stream at 11 AM and on my stream later
> Around ~1 PM Local time

**Hanging out with amo n yuggie**
> Around 2~3 PM Local time

> Around 11~12 PM Local time

> Around 1~2 PM Local time

**Ren faire with people ! **
> Around 11~12 PM Local time

> Around 11~12 PM Local time

The schedule might change since I'm still talking to people and planning stuffs together btw !