I have chronic migraine these days and it's happening again rn in the airplane

By jinnytty Published 2023-03-13 13:10:06

I have chronic migraine these days and it's happening again rn in the airplane do you guys know reason's for these migraine it's pretty bad

Comments: 2

simon flores

:O you getting older your not 16 yrs or anther thing is the area hong kong you going country's to fast traveling :O stay safe thing what you are doing insomnia make sure you do those things and take care of your body not!!! chat ok..... youdoing everthing for chat where is your life one more thing you know hearing voices in your head and dreaming weird right so advance with him as soon as posible save his life and couple weeks later if off you can relax your not dreaming no more like you use and you have this man in your mind he in the presents of your life and he going take of you like your mom and dad took of you but the only problem is your going feel good when he's around and having sex with that man and your living with him and having white owls and a big dog like you told your mom remember that so good night I'm not going no where waiting for you to pick me up soon I'm waiting for you before you get a Anxlety attack


Love you Jinny, take care.