I think I'm going to make it to twitchcon! My train was super delayed so I thoug

By jinnytty Published 2024-06-28 11:40:08

I think I'm going to make it to twitchcon! My train was super delayed so I thought I might not be able to make it but I found a way to get to it within time

Also no dublin until August I thought I booked ticket to dublin for July 1st but apparently I booked it for August 1st and since I can't cancel or change unless losing money I think I'll just use it on August 1st

Instead I plan to do cycle challenge around Europe after twitchcon !
I think it will be fun challenge going around Europe with bike

Below is the schedule for twitchcon !

Twitchcon Day1
> 6/29 Around ~9am
~ your time

Twitchcon Day2
> 6/30 Around ~9am
~ your time

Also toethumb BBQ meet-up will be held on 30th Sunday! I will share the location soon too !
Have a great day guys see you at the TC