Jinny, a child sould in the body of a womancarelessness in a world of loneliness

By redfalcon Published 2022-06-02 11:59:52


a child sould in the body of a woman

carelessness in a world of loneliness

Letting the wind carry her mind on a leaf.

A westerner in Asia, a hedonist in the land of conformists

In her eyes you see a lost past, a shadow of who you once were.

She travels around the world, finding her place in the universe.

Untrained animals, disorganized bedroom

Numerous are the flaws on which we like to zoom.

But in the end this doesn't matter

Criticisms, fair or motivated by haters

Compliments, sincere or fake

Here is a hot take

She is a woman in a society of humans

Worthy of respect,
No matter her good or bad aspects.