Just got the laptop today ( didn’t have to wait 5 months ). Thanks again to Jin

By JohnnyJess Published 2023-03-21 01:30:03

Just got the laptop today ( didn’t have to wait 5 months  ) Just got the laptop today ( didn’t have to wait 5 months  ) Just got the laptop today ( didn’t have to wait 5 months  ) Just got the laptop today ( didn’t have to wait 5 months  )

Just got the laptop today ( didn’t have to wait 5 months ). Thanks again to Jinny for having the giveaway, Kofu for coordinating the shipment, and everyone who congratulated my win (special thanks to all @me in discord when I was at work ). Like everyone here, I have lost many times to streams (not to Jinny of course, BRB Clippers ), and was very surprised when I actually won something. Hopefully will get to watch Jinny’s streams using this laptop for the another 47 months .

最後希望允允還會多來台灣,可以看看PBF 跟練習中文才不會忘記 (-4011). .

Here are some pictures of the prize (and offline chat ).

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