Long schedule for thailand coming up ! Hope you guys have been having fun! This

By jinnytty Published 2022-06-02 12:10:43

Long schedule for thailand coming up ! Hope you guys have been having fun! This

Long schedule for thailand coming up !

Hope you guys have been having fun!

This is the draft schedule for next week!

On Monday there's no morning Stream cause we getting Day5 PCR test and Saturday off before the 24 hours stream !

> Around 9~10 PM Local time

> Around 9~10 AM Local time

> Around 9~10 PM Local time

> Around 9~10 AM Local time

> Around 9~10 PM Local time

> Around 9~10 AM Local time

> Around 9~10 PM Local time

> Around 9~10 AM Local time

> Around 9~10 PM Local time

> 12 AM Local time

> Around 9~10 PM Local time

See you guys on next Stream!