Schedules 2023-03-18 Hey by jinnytty

By jinnytty Published 2023-03-18 14:40:09

I was gonna stream today 24hours but migraine came back again so I had to rest and sleep (I slept like the entire day lol) sorry I went missing for a day I was sleeping all day long which I needed.
It seems that it's been coming back every week or something. At least for now because I slept the whole day I dont have migraine at this moment. And thanks for all the migraine related feedbacks I think I check-marked a lot of reasons for migraine tbh maybe that's why.
Hopefully it doesn't become chronic stuffs
Anyway below is the new schedule for next stream ! Idk If I will be able to start 24 hours of dares series tmr because idk how the migraine will be but be it 24 or not starting time is the same ! I'll see you guys tomorrow! Hopefully no more migranes

> 3/19 Around ~8 AM
~ your time

Comments: 1

Simon flores

Hey JINNY can you give me update when you gonna climb Fuji mountain in japan just give me heads-up