Schedules 2023-08-25 Hey guys by jinnytty

By jinnytty Published 2023-08-25 13:30:09

Hey guys
I am sick
Well it's not too bad but also not well enough to stream
I took my medicine and I'm resting so hopefully it gets better soon
Tmr is the last day for us in gamescom I'm gonna start early go early and try to play games before a lot of people come
And then on Sunday we are going to Bulgaria for the first time ! Another country that was on the random country to visit in 2023 list

Have a great day guys and see you guys tomorrow!


**Last day of Gamescom and checking out the city a bit **
> 8/26 Around ~8 AM
~ your time

**Bulgaria Sofia First Day! **
> 8/27 Around ~4 PM
~ your time

> 8/28 Around ~1 PM
~ your time

> 8/29 Around ~1 PM
~ your time

> 8/30 Around ~1 PM
~ your time