This is a screenshot of random data I kept track of during Waddlethon 1 Taiwan (

By ekun Published 2023-06-18 15:20:07

This is a screenshot of random data I kept track of during Waddlethon 1 Taiwan (

This is a screenshot of random data I kept track of during Waddlethon 1 Taiwan (pause days included).

- Total of 90,091 followers gained
- Went from 871k → 961k followers
- 69,282 follows while **live**
- 20,809 follows while **offline**
- **Peak:** 4,194 follows while **live** on Day 8

- Total of 36,974 subs while live
- bobo (chaba) made up 52.75% of the Waddlethon subs, gifting 19,504 subs
- All-time sub count peak was 24,729 subs (!subs on Day 42)
- **Peak:** 2,837 subs on Day 30

- Late to stream on average by 29.36 minutes
- Stream was delayed a total of 8 times
- On Day 33, Jinny said she'd start at 7 AM for rest of Waddlethon (never happened once )
- **Peak:** 91 mins late on Day 26

- Total of ~9,382 stream snipers
- **Peak:** ~686 stream snipers on Day 36
## Finishing Waddlethon 1 Taiwan over the span of 42 days, Jinny waddled 1,076.45 km!
> ||Counting snipers was a pain in the ass, but Waddlethon 2 Singapore (?) shouldn't be as bad ||