.5. people say I dont need to apologize but I believe yesterday's apology was ne

By jinnytty Published 2022-06-02 12:07:45


5. people say I dont need to apologize but I believe yesterday's apology was necessary if I let many people feel I only listened to few people and thought that's chat's opinion. It was caused by my carelessness as well. so I still feel sorry about that and I will be more careful from now on and also learn how to interact with chat and take chats suggestions but at the same time, in the end make the right decision my self and dont blame chat.

6. please respect each others culture and understand that all people have different opinions. As in, don't try to undermine what other people think just because you dont think like that. that will just cause useless fight.

7. Trolling to have fun is okay because trolling could make stream more fun and its twitch's any chats nature to be trolling and joking. I dont care about people troll and have fun and they should have freedom as long as it's not blatantly offensive (ex racial slurs, insulting family etc)
However, trolling to the extent that makes people uncomfortable shouldn't rly be done.

8. We are currently working on how to improve Discord community and reduce toxicity.

9. Last but not least, I hope you guys watch my stream and have fun and not fight