depressing news I've been up since 9am trying to figure out with teddy how to b

By jinnytty Published 2023-02-10 17:10:08

 depressing news I've been up since 9am trying to figure out with teddy how to b  depressing news I've been up since 9am trying to figure out with teddy how to b

depressing news I've been up since 9am trying to figure out with teddy how to bypass the hotspot limit that I've already reached (since I can't use cellular cause simcard tray is broken so I can only use hotspot but US hotspot reached its limit and US hotspot is not unlimited even when I paid for it for unlimited data for cellular they separate it and it's fucking annoying ). We tried but it didn't really work
And now I'm stuck because ..
I cant neither IRL stream nor PC stream
As you can see how shitty internet is here
I've started downloading it before I went to sleep at 12am and it's still at 40%
And also I won't be receiving my phone until 8pm that can read simcard normally

So literally no internet to stream
Was thinking about going to PC Cafe in Manhattan to stream but the game is too big it will take hours to download it so idk if its worth it :/

My new plan is I'm gonna receive my phone today so I can use normal cellular and then stream in the Washington DC starting from tomorrow !
I will mix irl and Harry potter game together in DC so I can stream both 😄
For today I'll just keep trying to download Harry potter and test if my PC can run it once it finishes downloading ...
And plan/prepare for Canada Montreal and Quebec streams as well as Japan and Indonesia in March !
Sorry guys for taking another day off but there's nothing I can do
Thanks for understanding

**Washington DC**
> 2/11/2023 Around 12~1pm
~ your time

> 2/12/2023 Around 11~12pm
~ your time

> 2/13/2023 Around 11~12pm
~ your time

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