Hey guys I got stomachache again it's not as bad as before but I have stomachach

By jinnytty Published 2023-03-09 08:20:08

Hey guys I got stomachache again it's not as bad as before but I have stomachache and stomach gasing up and making the stomach hurt and bloated for some reason I think it must be something that I've been keep eating or drinking
And it makes me keep going to the bathroom
I'm gonna take imodium or sth and take it easy today hoping that it fixes so I can stream rest of the bali without health problems
At least my legs and tongue and hands don't feel pain anymore I might maybe do late night short stream once I feel better at the hotel so I may be see you guys at night maybe I will finish hogwarts
Hopefully I feel better soon
Thanks for understanding

Comments: 2

Simon flores

And when you make a video on YouTube and I know that you gonna be on twitch happy still thinking and hopefully you still my girl in mind ok love simon from Santan Valley Arizona


get well soon!