Hey guys ! I'm currently in the plane to the land 🇺🇸

By jinnytty Published 2022-10-03 15:00:08

Hey guys ! I'm currently in the plane to the  land 🇺🇸

Hey guys ! I'm currently in the plane to the land 🇺🇸

I'm very happy that I stopped by at home got to spend time with my family and pets

Time to go on fun adventure again ! In the US I plan to go a lot of conventions and events looks like there are a tons !
I'm excited

I'll see you guys when I land !!

I'll keep updating schedule here!

Short stream after I land
> 10/3 Around ~8 PM
~ your time

> 10/4 Around 9~10 AM
~ your time

> 10/5

Going to San Diego
> 10/6

Twitch Con
> 10/7 Around 9~10 AM
~ your time

> 10/8 Around 9~10 AM
~ your time

> 10/9 Around 9~10 AM
~ your time