Hey guys I'm going to Nashville soon! And from tomorrow I'll be streaming from t

By jinnytty Published 2022-06-02 12:10:36

Hey guys I'm going to Nashville soon!
And from tomorrow I'll be streaming from there
Yuni is staying in NY till New year so we are just gonna meet there πŸ˜€ so I won't be streaming today
I know it does look like I'm rushing to move to a new place but i only planned to stay in Austin just for few days from the beginning and since I visited Austin too many times, it got boring super fast after few days just like I expected and I didn't want to drag the stay when I was feeling bored. Cause if I'm bored then I am not confident I will be able to deliver fun streams to you guys as well
Hope you guys understand if you guys expected some more of Austin streams with other streamers I just didn't want to wait around to fit other people's schedule
I'm pretty excited to go to a new state and show you guys new cool things and new content
See you guys in Nashville Tennessee!

> 11~12 PM Local time

> 11~12 PM Local time

> 11~12 PM Local time

> Thanksgiving stream 12~1 PM Local time

> Gatlinburg 12~1 PM Local time