Hey guys! I'm sorry for updating schedule late I was pretty tired after marathon

By jinnytty Published 2023-12-04 04:10:09

Hey guys! I'm sorry for updating schedule late I was pretty tired after marathon and dinner plan with friends 😴
I woke up today feeling my body feeling not that well especially leg sores from marathon and still having clogged nose

I think I'm gonna take med and sleep more and see how I feel in the evening and if I feel well enough I will stream

Tmr I'll go to Malaysia Legoland and explore Johor and Day after tomorrow I'm going to Universal
I had to delay going to the universal studio cause I dun feel so well and Legoland closes on Wednesday so I decided to go tmr

Below is the new schedule !

**Resting from cold and leg sores... Evening stream if I feel better In the evening **
> 12/4 Around ~6pm or rest
~ your time

**Malaysia Johor explore **
> 12/5 Around ~9am
~ your time

**Sentosa & Universal Studio **
> 12/6 Around ~9am
~ your time

**Last day in Singapore !!! **
> 12/7