Hey guys ! today i am doing collab with berry and esfand and also Twitch quiz !

By jinnytty Published 2022-06-02 12:10:02

Hey guys ! today i am doing collab with berry and esfand and also Twitch quiz ! But I had to delay a stream time a bit because my body condition is not that good right now with pink eye and stomachache so I want to take a bit more rest before the stream : D
Sorry for the delay !
I'll see you in few hours

🇰🇷 2~3:00 AM (11/30 MON)
🇹🇼 1~2:00 PM (11/30 MON)
🇪🇺 6~7:00 PM CET (11/29 SUN)
🇺🇸 9~10:00 AM PST/11~12:00 PM CST/12~1:00 PM EST (11/29 SUN)