My thoughts on recent issues1. Unmodding Teddy was not because he didn't do his

By jinnytty Published 2022-06-02 12:07:45

My thoughts on recent issues

1. Unmodding Teddy was not because he didn't do his jobs, it's because he couldn't communicate well when he enforced certain rule which made many people not know why they are getting punished for certain action. And sometimes his trolling behavior went too far to let others feel he is inappropriate for a mod to act like that .

2. 2. Second of all, I will find a Eng mod again by either opening up a form to find a volunteer to be a mod. and from now on, I hope mods be a little more responsible about what they say and do because mods represent streamer as well. Meaning, mods can have fun and troll me if it's not too excessive, but they shouldn't do something that could offend other viewers by bringing up sensitive topics, disrespecting other people's thoughts and mocking them. Because mods should be more responsible :)

3. to prevent same thing from happening, from now on mods need to say the reason why they had to ban, timeout, delete someone or something.

4. I think I want to make strict rules and be more clear about what can be done and what cannot be done on DC