Did this Twitch streamer accidentally get banned for 3 months?

When it comes to Twitch streaming, there's a lot of competition out there. And sometimes, one mistake can lead to a streaming ban. That's exactly what happened to Twitch streamer, AKA "GentlemanJ", recently. He was streaming his game, Fortnite, when he was apparently caught using a prohibited item - a third-party software that allows users to cheat in the game. As a result, GentlemanJ was banned from streaming Fortnite for three months. This is a big loss for him, as his channel is one of the most popular on Twitch. But it's not the first time GentlemanJ has run into trouble with the law. In fact, he's been arrested before - for robbery. So, it's not like he doesn't know how to handle himself in a difficult situation. In the end, it's clear that GentlemanJ made a mistake. But banning him from streaming Fortnite for